In Europe's Shadow - Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Trough Romania and Beyond

Artikel 154 van 363
€ 8,00 (inclusief btw)
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From internationally bestselling author Robert D. Kaplan, named one of the world's Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy magazine, comes a riveting journey through one of Europe's frontier countries And a potent examination of the forces that will determine the continent's fate in the postmodern age.

Robert Kaplan first visited Romania in the 1970s, when he was a young journalist and the country was a bleak Communist backwater. Upon his return in 2013 and 2014, Kaplan found the country transformed, now a traveler's destination shaped by Western tastes, yet still emerging from the long shadows of Hitler and Stalin. Through the lens of one country, Kaplan examines larger questions of geography, imperialism, the role of fate in international relations, the Cold War, and the Holocaust.

In Europe's Shadow is a vivid blend of memoir, travelogue, journalism, and history, a masterly work thirty years in the making the story of a journalist coming of age, and a country struggling to do the same. This is the book you must read in order to truly understand the crisis with Russia, and within Europe itself.


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