Rolls-Royce - The Illustrated motorcar legends

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Ghost, Phantom, Wraith, Dawn, Cloud, Shadow, Corniche, Camargue, Spirit, Spur - all tell of the magnificence that is Rolls-Royce, their quality, their silence, and their effect on driver, passengers and onlookers. Blower, Speed Six, Continental, Mulsanne, Turbo, Brooklands and the new Azure are Bentley names that are just as evocative, the marque having twinned with Rolls-Royce so long ago, following its glorious history of the 1920s. Rolls-Royce is the only car manufacture to have been in business for over 90 years and never to have built a cheap car.

Always they have sought perfection and to live to their slogan, 'The Best Car in the World'. Never have their efforts been diluted by attempts to broaden their range to less than luxury vehicles. Other firms have and, although they may have challenged to be the best, public perception has always kept Rolls-Royce at the pinnacle.

A remarkable achievement and a fine monument to the principles of the founders, the Hon. Charles Rolls and Henry Royce. Their history and the fabulous cars they built is here in words and many pictures, recording from the early Edwardian days to the latest new range.



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