Remember Arnhem - softcover

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FOREWORD by Major-General R.E. Urquhart, C.B. , D.S.O, One time commander ist Airborne Division.

The 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron was a unique small unit with a tremendous spirit. Its story during a comparatively short existence, but which took it from North Africa into Europe and then to Norway, and of the individuals who served in its ranks, is graphically described in this book, and few books of this kind have been so thoroughly researched. John Fairley had no connection with the unit during the war, and is therefore without the prejudice or loyalty which sometimes tends to influence such accounts, but there is no doubt as to his interest in the facts.

The greater part of the story deals with the experiences of the unit in Holland in September 1944. In telling this, the author, who has physically covered every yard of the ground over which it opeated, gives as a background an accurate and well-balanced report of the 1st Airborne Division, during the Battle of Arnhem and Oosterbeek.

Future historians may well be grateful to John Fairley for this excellent result of persistent work.


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